Since the second Ski Fun appeared in my herd, I couldn't wait to put them next to each other to see how different they are. I knew that they differ in two features, the first is the shade of the hair. Snowy's hair is darker, more yellow, Blizzia's hair is very light, almost white. The second difference is the color intensity of the camo pattern on the material of the saddle pad and warmers.
Blizzia stayed in the country, so I had to wait a while before I could put her next to Snowy. The first thing that struck me as soon as they stood next to each other was the shape of the saddle pad. As you can see, they are different.
After the initial inspection, it's time to take a closer look at both the horses and their equipment.
I liked Cripple Star's curls so much that I decided to try curling Blizzia's hair. She has no hair ornaments except a bow on the tail, so I figured the curls would suit her, so she appears in curlers in the photos.
In the photo above, in addition to Blizzia curlers, you can see that she is brighter than Snowy. The spots on the shoulder blades and rump are similar but not identical. Some spots are larger, others are smaller, and have a slightly different arrangement. Dark background patches also vary in intensity and occupy different sized areas. As for the spots, in the case of Western Fun / Suncharm - I noticed that practically every horse has a different pattern.
Blizzia |
Snowy |
Blizzia |
Snowy |
Another difference is
the appearance of the coronets over the hoofs. On the left side of a
Blizzia's hoof, on the right -
As you can see, the Blizzia's coronet is a straight transition between the hock and hoof. At Snowy's coronet you can see strands of hair carved into the coronet. Below are few shots of Snowy's hooves, as it comes to Blizzia's - there is nothing to special to look at.
In practice, this coat on coronet should be light gray, but Mattel decided otherwise. My Sunny, who also has carved coronets, they did a bit better.
Another difference that struck me when comparing the hooves is their size. On the left is Blizzi's hoof, on the right - Snowy's. You can clearly see that hers is smaller and narrower than his.
His hoof is also taller.
The last thing about the hoof is that Snowy and Sunny's mold type is slightly longer than the others. I've noticed this before, when I packed my horses in a box on vacation.
Top -
Blizzia versus
Snowy. Below - a comparison between
Snowy and
Here is the proof and explanation of this difference - a comparison with a centimeter:
Blizzia from the rear hoof to the front hoof measures 30 cm.
When I put Snowy to the same centimeter - the distance between the same hooves was - 31 cm.
The differences can also be seen on the heads. Snowy's head looks better fitted. Eyes and nostrils are about the same height. While Blizzard's is clearly visible that the left eye and the nostril are lower than those on the right.
Their eyes are also slightly different, Blizzia's eyelashes are longer, thinner and denser than Snowy's, whose eyelashes are thinner (the intervals between them are larger), thicker and shorter. Snowy has more chiseled muscle details, both on the head itself and the rest of the body. Some are difficult to see in the photos - they are very delicate. Below are pictures of Snowy's head and neck from different angles.
The markings on the inside of the hind legs are also different. First
And Snowy:
Blizzia: 5087 - 2118 and 5087 - 2108
Snowy: 7263 - 2119 and 7263 - 2109 A
That's all the differences in the horses themselves, now it's time for their harness and equipment
So first
the saddle pads, on
the left Blizzia's on
the right, Snowy's. In this shot, apart from the
difference in shape, you can clearly see
the difference in the fur -
Snowy's fur is somewhat
rarer, less fluffy.
Blizzia's saddle pad close up, unfortunately I can barely see what I meant in this shot, namely t
he transverse striations of the material. The
colors on her saddle pad and leg warmers are
more vivid, the most visible is
pink.Snowy's saddle cloth - here, however, you can clearly see
the longitudinal stripes, the colors are
less vivid, the orange color is clearly visible.
Less abundant fur is also clearly visible.
Below - the other side. The trim on Snowy's saddle pad had lost its golden color, perhaps due to more frequent washing in the past or the influence of the sun, it wasn't silver since it was new.
In the above photo, I captured the difference in the ribbing of the fabric. Overall, it looks as if Snowy's "clothes" were made of fabric turned inside out. I do not know why.
At the bottom in an alternated order - first Snowy, then Blizia. Snowy's bow has lost its golden color, as has the trim.
At the top - on the left - Snowy's saddle pad and leg warmers, on the right - Blizzard's.
You can clearly see that the pattern of the material is the same, but the colors are a bit different. At the top, the sleigh blanket is trimmed with the same material as Snowy's things. However, fur has shorter bristles and very dense.
Snowy is a sled horse, so his bridle and saddle are different from the Blizzia's, which has the equipment typical of a riding horse.
At the top, the Blizzia's saddle - this is a typical Barbie English saddle, made of matte plastic, without signage.
At the bottom - Snowy's saddle. It is a converted Barbie English type saddle, adapted to haul a carriage. It has hooks on the reins at the top and drawbar points on the sides. The saddle is made of slightly shiny plastic, there is a marking on the reverse side.
The bridles also differ in structure due to the different functions performed by horses. The Blizzard's bridle has short reins made of the same plastic as bridle, connected in the same place as the bit. Sunny's bridle has string reins, very long, connected in front of the bit.
Blizzard's bridle is not signed, Snowy's - is signed on the inside.
These are all the differences I was able to capture.
Looking at the Snowdance and Blizzard boxes, I have the feeling that Snowy is more like Snowdance, and Blizia is more like Blizzard. Especially looking at the shade of their hair and the shape of the saddle pads.
Front of Snowdance box (photo found on the web) |
Front of Blizzard box (photo found on the web) |
Blizzard isn't equal to Blizzard - there are many differences between them.
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