Horse - chameleon - Colour Me Fancy aka Farbenspaß (2001)

 Honestly, I didn't know what I was dealing with when buying this horse. The only things from his original accessories left was the bridle and the reins. A bit better than the first Sun Runner. However, it was not a Sun Runner and I don't know what made me buy it.

Barbie horse
Before refresh in may 2021

Barbie horse Colour Fancy
Before refresh in may 2021

At the auction where I bought it, there was no relevant information - just a horse for Barbie and that's it. Browsing the Internet * I found out that it is Color (Me) Fancy / Farben Spaß from 2001. This German name somehow appeals to me more and so far stuck to it. Farben was purchased at the time of my Sun Runners, which was 2005 or 2006. Unfortunately, as I wrote before, Allegro erased the purchase history, so I did not have any trace of the transaction. The only thing I was able to find are the photos from the auction mentioned below.

He came to me with a bridle and it seems to me that he had two horseshoes, currently probably no longer there - due to poor equipment, he used to be a toy for children, so the horseshoes could soak in. The mane and tail are most likely of the original length. They are made of a different type of bristles than those of Sun Runner. I had no fear of letting the children play with it, because the hair practically does not tangle and is very easy to comb.

Barbie horse

Barbie horse

Pictures above are taken from the auction where I bought him (probably 2005 or 2006).

Today, even though I don't know why I bought it, I'm glad that I have him. Well, to the point, what is so special about him? Well, Farben changes color under the influence of water of different temperatures. In fact, he has an infinite number of incarnations, although in the Journal he was advertised as two horses in one. Thanks to this magical property, he had quite a lot of equipment, compared to its peers. It consisted of two sets of harnesses, two saddles, even two saddle pads. There were also standard horseshoes and some hair ornaments, as well as two gray dishes for water and sponges. Having warm water in one pot and cold water in the other one you could, almost literally, paint a horse white and brown.

Above pictures are taken from ebay - as I don't own those things related to Farben.

Barbie Farben Spass Pferd
Picture of German Barbie Journal - taken from Flickr

As you can see in the photos from before this year's bath, his hair seems to have a purple glow, this is not a coincidence. For the white version, or correctly speaking - gray, the horse has lilac hair. Pink equipment is dedicated to this incarnation. With the brown variant, more precisely - palomino - the horse has a blonde mane and tail, and the harness and western saddle - are brown.

Below are photos taken when the horses for the first time arrived to my summer house in countryside, it was 2006, and Farben is still stationed there. At the beginning, in the incarnation of the western palomino.

Barbie horse Fancy

Barbie Fancy horse

Barbie Fancy horse

And as a fairy magical white horse with purple mane and tail

Barbie horse Fancy

Barbie Fancy horse

Barbie Fancy horse

In this old pictures I can see that he had two horseshoes at that time.

Few more pictures from this year (2021) right before cleaning and without harness:

Barbie Color Me Fancy

Barbie Color Me Fancy

Barbie Color Me Fancy

During the cleaning, where you can see his magical power!

Barbie Color Me Fancy

Barbie Color Me Fancy

It was hard to find anything about it, I also searched for a photo of the packaging for a long time, but NRFB just appeared on ebay and I allowed myself to borrow photos in memory:

Barbie Color Me Fancy
Color Me Fancy box (rear side) - photo found on the web

Barbie Color Me Fancy
Color Me Fancy box - photo found on the web

* I recommend the treasury of knowledge about Barbie horses to those who are interested -
